Blue hex rgb color code 0000ff 0 65536 0 256 255 0 0 255.
Shades of light blue color chart.
The similarity of colors can be determined by the name or using special formula to calculate distance between different named colors.
Above are some of the different shades of blue you can experiment with whether you re looking to create a website or a graphic design.
Color shades no comments shades of blue color palette including dark blue and light blue colors with names and html rgb hex codes.
24 shades of blue color palette.
But that s not the end.
Here are the different color shades of denim blue.
Light sky blue is one of them and it seems it comes in at least five shades with the same name as well.
Shades of blue color.
Blue rgb color code.
87cefa light sky blue.
The sets below has both types similar by name and closer in distance.
Ruddy blue hex 76abdf rgb 118 171 223.
Html rgb blue colors.
A4d3ee light sky blue 2 8db6cd light sky blue 3 607b8b light sky blue 4.
Sky blue is obviously too generic term so more detailed names came in the list of blue colors.
24 shades of blue color palette.
The first recorded use of light blue as a color term in english is in the year 1915.
B0e2ff light sky blue 1.
The web color light blue is displayed in the color box at right.